Another volunteer gig with
Chicago Cares at ODS:
Open Door Youth Shelter is run by a non-profit organization called the Night Ministry, "a Chicago-based organization that works to provide housing, health care and human connection to members of our community struggling with poverty or homelessness."
ODS serves youth ages 14-20 who are not wards of the state and provides or refers them to various services including job training, medical care, social services, and support for pregnant teens and teen parents. The shelter is housed in this building located near the intersection of Division and Milwaukee in Chicago.
I am not sure of the history of the building but it is a very well-maintained building hosting a beautiful garden upon entering through the wrought iron fence. The interior is very professional, with incredible mosaics, and great amenities for the clients and residents.
Job Coaching, the training I volunteered for, took place on the second floor. The volunteers and volunteer leader rode the elevator to a multipurpose common area. The group of volunteers consisted of equal parts men and women, all professionals, though I'm not sure I would call myself a professional, I work as an art teacher at a non-profit school. I do believe that teaching is an honorable profession but that unfortunately it is somewhat marginalized in this country. I understand, some people do not have kids, and I think most people feel that their property taxes and state and federal taxes which fund public schools, are already too high. (So far I've never heard of anyone volunteering to pay higher taxes.. ) I think there is a problem with reliance on property taxes to fund public schools for the fact that lower real estate prices resulting in lower property taxes mean less funding for schools in those areas. Schools should have equal funding across the board. Just my opinion.
Back to volunteering: Job Coaching at ODS began with introductions around a large table, where residents sat interspersed with volunteers, followed by forming small groups of two or three residents per volunteer. We followed with an ice breaker of finding ten things we had in common with each other and then reported back to the whole group. We continued the coaching by going back into our small groups and talking about interviewing, conflict resolution, and furthering education and training. Job Coaching was well-organized by the volunteer leader, a school psychologist, who even sent a "thank you - any suggestions" email a day later. I felt like I got a lot out of it too!
The Night Ministry additionally serves:
- Homeless and runaway youth
- Homeless adults
- Working poor adults
- Uninsured and underinsured individuals seeking medical assistance
- Individuals who lack access to or distrust of traditional systems of healthcare
- Children living in public housing who need a place to gather in safety
- The chronically lonely
- Other who have "fallen through the cracks" of our social service system